Kate Beckinsale, Before and After
The subject of today's Before and After has been famous for as long as I can remember. Now 41 years old, British-born Kate Beckinsale got her start way back in the early '90s with acclaimed TV roles in 'Cold Comfort Farm' and 'Emma', as well the Kenneth Branagh film adaptation of 'Much Ado About Nothing'.
But it wasn't until she starred alongside Claire Danes in 1999's 'Brokedown Palace' that Kate became a household name here in North America—and big-budget movies like 'Pearl Harbor', 'Serendipity' and 'The Aviator' soon followed.
These days, Kate is more known for her recent work in the 'Underworld' series, but she's still a red carpet fixture... which leads us to our task today. In her rise to A-list name recognition, how has Kate's beauty look changed along the way?
Kate in 1999
First up, Kate at age 26. How much do you want to bet she wishes she had these eyebrows now? Don't pluck your brows, kids! Also notice her smile, which was more gummy back then.
Kate in 2001
Three years later, in 2001, Kate's star was rising—and she stepped up her glam as a result. you can totally tell. Smoky eyes, bold highlights and whiter/straighter teeth were a few the changes. I believe she got veneers, and may have had a laser gum reshaping as well.